Syllabus and About Me

1st Period: Planning
2nd, 3rd, and 4th Periods: World History
Hi everyone! I am Nick Lewis.
A lot is going on in the world currently, and all of it is part of yours, mine, and the world's history. 
Part of the reason I love teaching history is because it is constant. History is not merely what happened in the past, but how it impacts us daily, and what is happening right now leading us to the future. 
I am 36 years old, have been married to my wife for 14 years, have 2 children, 3 pets: 2 dogs and a cat, love sports, coaching, detailing vehicles, and food! I graduated from the University of Mount Olive in 2010, then experienced the NCTeach Program at East Carolina University from 2017-2019. I also get to be the head coach of the varsity basketball boys team. 
Teaching and coaching are some of my favorite things to do. Establishing and building relationships with new students every semester is awesome. Let's all do our part to make each year the best it can possibly be!