On March 20, Rear Admiral Jay DeLoach, US Navy (Ret.), President of the NC Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (NCSSAR) New Bern Chapter and a Naval Academy graduate, talked to eight cadets of the Pamlico High School NJROTC unit about the admission requirements and process for the U.S. Naval Academy and what they could do to make themselves competitive candidates for any of the Service Academies as well as college. The cadets were actively engaged in the discussion about the U.S. Naval Academy and asked a number of probing questions. Several juniors will be attending the Summer Seminar sessions in Annapolis, MD this June.
The photo is attached with the listing of each cadet L to R:
Tea Boomer, Luke Prescott, Zayne Perkins, Perla Cervantes, Admiral DeLoach, Madiso Tarplee, Annie ANderson, Calieb Duval and Macy Tyson.